Teaching Comparative Government and Politics

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sharing teaching ideas

Beth Boyd, who teaches in Marietta, Georgia, wishes it was possible to merge this blog with the lesson plan exchange group. I agree, but don't know how to do that without charging users for the service.

It's not as good, but I will announce here when teaching ideas are posted at the sharing comparative group.

And, to start things off, I've posted MSWord and .rtf versions of a teaching plan and a set of questions for a mini-research assignment about the structure, function, and politics of the EU.

It's intended as a one-class-day (or out of class assignment) research activity followed up by discussion and comparison of results. The questions can all easily be answered using Europa, the EU web site or the BBC News site.

I've used the idea successfully as an introduction to the EU. (However, I revised the questions for this 2008 version, so I haven't used this exact set of questions.)

Other follow-ups could include an exercise involving the classification of EU institutions as democratic, federal, or transnational and the analysis of parties in the EU parliament (those two are in the Comparative Government and Politics unit I did for The Center for Learning).

More follow-up could be discussions about the "frictions" between and among the representative, federal, and bureaucratic institutions of the EU and about the issues involved in "broadening and deepening" the EU.

Use the link below to make a request to join the group.

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